two hens laying in hemp hurd animal bedding

Alternative Animal Bedding: Hemp Hurd

Discover the Eco-Friendly Solution: Hemp Hurd Animal Bedding

In the world of animal care, finding the right bedding is crucial for the health and comfort of our furry friends. While traditional options like straw and wood shavings have long been the norm, there's a sustainable alternative making waves: hemp hurd animal bedding. This sustainable eco friendly solution has many uses. One of those uses is gaining popularity in many different animal communities. In this article we will dive into some of those reasons, and answer the question. Is it the right decision for your pets?

What is Hemp Hurd?

white bunny sleeping in hemp hurd animal bedding

Hemp hurd, also known as hemp core or shiv, is the woody inner part of the hemp stalk. It's a natural byproduct of hemp processing and is gaining popularity as a versatile material for various applications, including animal bedding. Hemp has many uses and the using the hurd or core has recently gained a lot of popularity. New home builds are starting to use it as a healthier more sustainable alternative for home insulation. Farmers are using it as a healthier animal bedding because it lasts longer, holders more heat, and is more comfortable than traditional animal bedding. Sustainable farmers are using it in crop rotations to help keep the soil healthy. There are many uses for hemp heard which is why in recent years it has gained so much popularity. 

The Benefits of Hemp Hurd Animal Bedding

Hemp hurd animal bedding offers a range of benefits for both pets and their owners. We will dive into the top three reasons animal owners have been making the switch. Comfort, absorbency, and durability.

  1. Comfort: Hemp hurd provides a soft and cushioned surface for animals to rest on, promoting better sleep and overall well-being. Traditional animal bedding can be uncomfortable give pets splinters, and poor sleep. hemp hurd offers better sleep and less sleeping issues than traditional methods.

  2. Absorbency: One of the standout features of hemp hurd is its excellent absorbency. It can quickly soak up moisture, keeping pet habitats dry and odor-free. Hemp hurd absorbs up to 400% making it a superior choice for humid, wet areas keeping your animal dry and happy no matter the weather.

  3. Durability: Unlike some traditional bedding materials that break down quickly, hemp hurd is durable and long-lasting, reducing the frequency of bedding changes and saving both time and money in the long run. It will help you spend less time cleaning your animals bedding and more time hanging out with your furry friends. 

Hemp Hurd is the Eco-Friendly Choice for Animal Bedding

farmer holding soil with a small plant coming out of it

Choosing hemp hurd animal bedding isn't just beneficial for your pets—it's also a win for the environment. Hemp is a highly sustainable crop that requires minimal water and no pesticides to grow. Many sustainable farmers are now using it in their crop rotations to hemp put nutrients back into the soil. Crops like corn drain the soil of its nutrients causing farmers to spent a lot of money adding fertilizer to the soil. Often then leads to fertilizer run off which can then get into our water causing contaminations. Instead rotating hemp helps put those nutrient back into the soil without the need for fertilizer. Additionally, using hemp hurd helps reduce waste by repurposing a byproduct of hemp processing.

Versatility in Use

Hemp hurd animal bedding isn't limited to just small pets like hamsters and rabbits. It's also suitable for larger animals such as horses and livestock. Its versatility makes it a practical choice for a wide range of animal care needs. Many pet owners will use it as a great way to help keep dogs warm in the winter and cooler in the summer. It has also been shown to be a great bedding for chickens due to its longevity. Owners spend much less time cleaning the coup giving them more time back in there day.

Making the Switch to Hemp Hurd Animal Bedding

If you're considering making the switch to hemp hurd pet bedding, you're not alone. Many pet owners are embracing this eco-friendly alternative and reaping the rewards of happier, healthier animals. Making the switch has never been easier. Mountain Hurd offers a multitude of different sizes so that you can get exactly what you need for your animals. Switching is easy. All you need to do is get rid of your old animal bedding and replace it with Hemp hurd animal bedding. Saving your time and money while giving your pets a healthy bedding that they will love.

Where to Find Hemp Hurd Animal Bedding

image of hemp hurd animal bedding packaging.

Fortunately, hemp hurd animal bedding is becoming more readily available. Many pet supply stores now stock hemp hurd products, or you can skip the store and purchase it online from Mountain hurd gets all its hemp hurd sustainably sourced from farmers in South Dakota. 







In conclusion, hemp hurd animal bedding offers a sustainable, comfortable, and practical solution for pet owners seeking an alternative to traditional bedding materials. By making the switch to hemp hurd, you're not only providing a cozy environment for your pets but also contributing to a greener future for our planet.

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